Jenks, Tom: A Long and Hard Night Troubled by Visions


A Long and Hard Night Troubled by Visions
Published July 2018
118 pp
ISBN: 978-1999954710

About the book
Visions is Jenks’ fourth book from if p then q and is yet another step in a different direction from one of the UK’s premier poets. In Visions Jenks uses prose poetry to explore British and globalized hinterlands using his warped imagination to produce cacophonous results. The book also contains a final suite which contains two longer narrative poems and a wheezy poem that transcribes smoking in Mad Men (and a little bit of reading of Frank O’Hara).

About the author
Tom Jenks is a Manchester-based poet who has a number of collections including three previously celebrated collections with if p then q – A Priori, * and Items. Jenks’ poetry is always hilarious but that’s not all. There’s a serious agenda at work from an astute poetic mind. He is also the editor of the press zimZalla. His website which gives information on other publications and news can be found at 

Steve Spence in Litter Magazine
Billy Mills in Elliptical Movements
Catherine Vidler in Galatea

Visions sampler V2
Some translations into Swedish

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