Joy as Tiresome Vandalism: aR

Published August 2008
27 pp (6 colour photos)
Heavy duty coloured envelope, wax seal
ISBN: 978-0-9558641-1-7

About the book
Joy as Tiresome Vandalism spent one year working together to create this poetry/photo combo. Each month a piece of work (either poem or photo) was responded to. This process went on for twelve months so that in each collection there are six photos and six poems. aRb (aR) starts with a poem. aRb (Rb) starts with a photo. Both these titles are limited editions of 50.

About the authors
Joy as Tiresome Vandalism was born in Bath and Colchester, now living in Manchester and London. Makers of poetry and photographs and anything inbetween or other. The two aRb projects are available with a JTV wax seal. They also have a collection called Absolute Elsewhere published by The Knives Forks and Spoons Press.

aR Sample

Dubbit Rack

Out of print